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State of the pet insurance market revealed

The number of pet insurance providers has fallen with fewer insurance brands selling cat and dog insurance cover than there were 10 years ago. While the overall number of pet insurance providers has been decreasing, this article explores how the number of policies available has risen significantly.

Scale of insurers’ fight for tech talent laid bare

In August 2023, there were 549 job adverts on LinkedIn posted by insurance companies that featured the terms AI, data science, machine learning or automation. This article reveals, the amount of competition insurers face in attracting tech talent and the type of skills providers are hunting for.

Could AI take the heat out of insurance in a changing climate?

In July 2023, the world experienced the warmest global temperature for 125,000 years. Climate change is happening, and it is already impacting all our lives. This article explores why better use of AI in the insurance industry will help it adapt to the challenges brought about by climate change.