Insurance Europe
Insurance Europe is the European insurance and reinsurance federation. Through its 34 member bodies, the national insurance associations, Insurance Europe represents all types of insurance and reinsurance undertakings, eg pan-European companies, monoliners, mutuals and SMEs.
Insurance Europe, which is based in Brussels, represents undertakings that account for around 95% of total European premium income. Insurance makes a major contribution to Europe’s economic growth and development. European insurers generate premium income of almost €1 170bn, employ over one million people and invest nearly €9 900bn in the economy.
All content by Insurance Europe
European insurance - key facts
Download Insurance Europe's annual key facts publication, which this year includes data on the European insurance industry for 2015. Topics covered: European insurance in the world; European premiums, claims, and benefits paid; insurers’ investment portfolio; companies and employees.
Addendum to Insurance Europe’s response to EC services passport consultation
In this document, Insurance Europe responds to the European Commission’s consultation on a proposed EU services passport for the single market. This response covers how an EU services passport would facilitate the provision of insurance for cross-border services and what role insurers would play.
European motor insurance markets addendum - June 2016
Published in June 2016, this is an addendum to the European motor insurance markets report, which examines the different motor insurance markets across the European Union.
Access to in-vehicle data can maximise the benefits consumers gain from motor insurance
This two page insight briefing outlines why motor consumers must be able to decide who can access their in-vehicle data, and for what purposes.
Indirect taxation on insurance contracts in Europe
This publication assesses indirect taxation on insurance contracts in Europe, with a full survey of rules, tariffs and regulations in European markets. It provides an overview of the taxes applicable to insurance premiums, as well as the various declaration and payment procedures in most states.
EU regulation: Draft rules affecting insurance-based investment products
Insurance Europe has published a two page insight briefing paper on why the draft packaged retail and insurance-based investment products regulatory technical standards contain significant design faults, which - if not corrected - will result in consumers being misled.
The benefits of open reinsurance markets
Produced by Insurance Europe's Reinsurance Advisory Board, this paper focuses on the benefits of open reinsurance markets.
Internal models: A reinsurance perspective
Published by Insurance Europe's Reinsurance Advisory Board, this report focuses on the use of internal models by reinsurers. Topics covered: history and experience of internal model use by reinsurers; benefits of using internal models for prudential purposes; the future for internal model use.
Summary of market access issues for European insurers and reinsurers
This paper highlights the key regulatory and market access issues that EU (re)insurance companies encounter in the United States, Brazil, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, China, Argentina and Russia. The paper highlights how existing trading relationships could be enhanced by the removal of barriers.