Insurance Post

Insurance Post has, since 1840, been delivering business-critical information for the general insurance market. Considered essential reading by senior managers in the sector, Insurance Post’s strength lies in the breadth and depth of its coverage across insurance, broking, claims, technology and risk management.

Solving pet fraud through data sharing

Pet insurance is a promising market and one that is as exposed to fraud as other sectors. This article highlights why insurers need to approach the opportunities presented by the pet insurance market with caution and why data sharing holds the key to solving pet fraud.

Fraud at the vets

Pet claims fraud is on the rise and insurers are developing or contemplating new tools against it: a database, cross-referencing strategies and pet photographs on policy documents. Download this article to read more about the risk indicators and the consequences of fraud.

The problem with pets

Almost four million cats and dogs are insured in the UK but a significant number of pet owners are leaving their pets uncovered. This article sheds light on how the industry can increase penetration and educate pet owners about the benefits offered by policies.