VisionWare is a Master Data Management (MDM) Company. Our technology enables organisations to break down the inefficiency of data silos by creating a single and complete view of the customer across the enterprise. Enabling this ‘single view of the truth’ is an essential pre-requisite to leverage the benefits of a data driven business including improved customer engagement and operational efficiency alongside reduced reputational and regulatory risk. Founded in 1993, VisionWare is headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland and has offices in Newton MA.
All content by Visionware
How can the insurance industry maximise marketing spend in a capital constrained era?
Insurance marketing professionals are under increasing pressure to attract new customers and retain existing customers. This article provides a summary of Post’s roundtable where experts discussed the barriers to achieving a single customer view and the opportunities to improve cross-selling.
How customer data can be better leveraged by insurers and brokers
Based on research conducted by Post in association with Visionware, this whitepaper focuses on how insurers and brokers can make better use of policyholder insights to achieve a single customer view and improve cross-selling.
Customer-centric differentiation in insurance: Meeting the data challenge
The insurance ecosystem, rocked by disruptive technological and competitive forces, has changed forever. Based on in-depth research, this report sheds light on how insurance companies are readying themselves for customer-centric differentiation.
Single customer view buyers guide: What every technology buyer in insurance should know about mastering customer data
This guide is designed to help buyers in the insurance sector who are considering investment in Master Data Management technology to create a truly customer centric business.
Moving beyond the regulatory stick: Evangelising data improvement in insurance
The insurance industry is going through a significant period of change with tightening regulation, consolidation and the advancement of the digital agenda. This paper focuses on how data improvement initiatives can be a critical enabler to rising to the challenges facing insurers today.