Hyland provides a complete view of the right information to the right people, where and when they need it. Serving as a content services hub, we smartly surface content in context by connecting data and systems across the enterprise. By providing users with easy, secure access to complete information – anytime, anywhere, on any device – we enable organizations to digitally transform and facilitate more responsive, meaningful interactions.
All content by Hyland
Speeding up validation to separate fraudsters from genuine claimants
In this webinar, an expert panel discuss how insurers can speed up claims validation in order to separate fraudsters from genuine claimants.
How can technology help personal lines insurers keep up with the pace of change expected by today's customers?
In today’s personal lines market, customer loyalty and favour is no longer won by doing as little as possible and hoping policyholders renew out of inertia. In this webinar, an expert panel discuss how personal lines insurers can leverage technology to match and indeed exceed customer expectations.
Webinar: How can insurers rise to the challenge posed by digital disruptors?
Is it too difficult to imagine a world where the policyholder is front-and-centre of everything that an insurance company does? In this webinar, an expert panel discuss how insurance companies can become truly customer centric and rise to the challenge posed by digital disruptors.