Aon Benfield

As the industry leader in treaty, facultative and capital markets, Aon Benfield is redefining the role of the reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor. Through our unmatched talent and industry-leading proprietary tools and products, we help our clients to redefine success. As a trusted advocate, we provide local reach to the world’s markets, an unparalleled investment in innovative analytics, and the right professionals to advise clients in making the optimal capital choice for their business. Learn more at

Global catastrophe recap: June 2017

Impact Forecasting evaluates the impact of the natural disaster events that occurred worldwide during June 2017. Topics covered: convective storms impact US insurers; seasonal rainfall leads to nearly USD2.5 billion in economic flood damage in China; major wildfires hit South Africa and Portugal.

Global catastrophe recap: March 2017

Impact Forecasting evaluates the impact of the natural disaster events that occurred worldwide during March 2017. Topics covered: extensive severe weather hits the United States; Cyclone Debbie impacts Australia; proclaimed ‘coastal El Niño’ affects South America.

Cyber claims insight newsletter

Aon Benfield’s newsletter empowers clients and colleagues to keep pace with changes in cyber and privacy law, insurance and reinsurance claims, litigated cases, and coverage disputes by offering the resources to ensure that our clients are aware of their cyber and privacy risks.

Catastrophe risk tolerance study

Aon Benfield’s annual Catastrophe risk tolerance study examines the catastrophe risk public disclosures of 102 reinsurers and insurers in four different sectors. The study includes trends on how catastrophe risk exposures and tolerances have varied in recent years, plus the actual risk disclosures.