
473 whitepapers and resources


Resolving legal disputes for landlords and tenants

As mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution recover some lost ground, this content explains how a new process that ARAG developed in response to the Coronavirus Act, is proving every bit as helpful in the difficult circumstances created by the cost-of-living crisis.

Eight ways to improve claims processes and handling

Even the smallest of inefficiencies within an insurance company’s claims process can jeopardise the customer relationship, which is why it’s imperative that insurers dedicate themselves to improving the claims process and handling. This blog highlights eight ways to improve claims management.

Future of insurance claims is a 'data first' approach

There is little doubt the insurance industry will need to adopt a ‘data first’ approach to provide effective claims management processes in the future. This blog highlights why putting data first may take a change in mindset and the importance of taking a holistic approach to claims assessments.

Alternative ways to resolve tenancy disputes

Alternative dispute resolution has been on something of a rollercoaster ride in recent years. While formal mediation meetings come first to mind, numerous ADR mechanisms have been developed to suit different legal processes. This blog highlights alternative ways to resolve tenancy disputes.